This document contains steps for conducting near ultrasound (formerly known as hifi ultrasound) microphone and speaker tests. See the Audio section for general audio implementation instuctions.

Near Ultrasound Microphone Tests

Prerequisites: Prepare two devices, one as the test device, one as the reference device. The reference can be Nexus 6, Nexus 5, or any device that is known to be able to produce near ultrasound sound.

Step 1: Open Near Ultrasound Microphone Tests on both devices
Mic step 1, test device
Test device
Mic step 1, reference device
Reference device
Step 2: After opening the test, press RECORD on the test device, then quickly press PLAY on the reference device.
Mic step 2, test device
Test device
Mic step 2, reference device
Reference device
Step 3: Wait for the test to finish. While waiting, the devices should look like the following screenshots. Do nothing until you see the screens shown in Step 4.
Mic step 3, test device
Test device
Mic step 3, reference device
Reference device
Step 4a: On the test device, if text PASS is shown, report passed by pressing the green button.
Mic step 4a, test device
Test device
Mic step 4a, reference device
Reference device
Step 4b: On the test device, if text FAIL is shown, report failed by pressing the red button.Afterward you can repeat from step 1 to repeat the test if desired.
Mic step 4b, test device
Test device
Mic step 4b, reference device
Reference device
Extra step: This step is not required.You can plot the calculated response using the PLOT button on the test device.
Mic extra step 1, test deviceMic extra
        step 2, test device
Test device

Reference device N/A

Near Ultrasound Speaker Tests

Step 0: Prepare two devices, one as the test device, one as the reference device. The reference can be Nexus 6, Nexus 5, or any device that is known to be able to record near ultrasound sound.

Step 1: Open Near Ultrasound Speaker Tests on both devices
Speaker step 1, test device
Test device
Speaker step 1, reference device
Reference device
Step 2: After opening the test, press RECORD on the reference device, then quickly press PLAY on the test device.
Speaker step 2, test device
Test device
Speaker step 2, reference device
Reference device
Step 3: Wait for the test to finish. While waiting, the devices should look like the following screenshots. Do nothing until you see the screens shown in Step 4.
Speaker step 3, test device
Test device
Speaker step 3, reference device
Reference device
Step 4: When you see the popup on the reference device, press OK on the test device.
Speaker step 4, test device
Test device
Speaker step 4, reference device
Reference device
Step 5a: On the reference device, if text PASS is shown, report passed by pressing the green button on the test device.
Speaker step 5a, test device
Test device
Speaker step 5a, reference device
Reference device
Step 5b: On the reference device, if text FAIL is shown, report failed by pressing the red button on the test device.Afterward you can repeat from step 1 to repeat the test if desired.
Speaker step 5b, test device
Test device
Speaker step 5b, reference device
Reference device
Extra step: This step is not required. You can plot the calculated response using the PLOT button on the reference device. See the instructions on the Near Ultrasound Microphone Test.