project_path: /_project.yaml book_path: /_book.yaml landing_page: header: buttons: - label: Get source path: /setup/downloading rows: - items: - heading: 9 interfaces and architecture description: > Port the latest Android platform using simple HIDL interfaces to create compelling devices for your customers. buttons: - label: Learn Treble path: /devices/architecture/ image_path: /images/landing_icon-porting.png - heading: Securing Android is essential description: > Find out how the Android security program works and learn how to implement the latest features. image_path: /images/landing_icon-security.png buttons: - label: Implement Security path: /security/ - heading: Design compatible devices description: > Offer a consistent experience with other Android-powered devices and get the ability to include more apps. image_path: /images/landing_icon-compatibility.png buttons: - label: Test Devices path: /compatibility/ - classname: devsite-landing-row-large-headings devsite-landing-row-no-image-background tf-about-row devsite-landing-row-75 background: grey items: - heading: About the Android Open Source Project description: | Android is an open source software stack for a wide range of mobile devices and a corresponding open source project led by Google. This site and the Android Open Source Project (AOSP) repository offer the information and source code you need to create custom variants of the Android stack, port devices and accessories to the Android platform, and ensure your devices meet compatibility requirements.

We also wanted to make sure there was no central point of failure, where one industry player could restrict or control the innovations of any other. The result is a full, production-quality operating system for consumer products with source code open for customization and porting. And now this site is available in China at

As the AOSP documentation site, we seek your input. With an ever-changing ecosystem, we need your help to stay fresh. Please use the Site Feedback link at the bottom of any page to report bugs and offer suggestions for enhancement. See the site’s changelog for a detailed view of all updates. image_path: /images/android_stack.png - heading: News items: - heading: Android 9 Documentation description: > Android 9 has been released! This site includes documentation for implementing the features, improvements, and enhancements in the newest version of Android. buttons: - label: August 6th, 2018 path: /setup/start/p-release-notes - heading: Site Updates description: > This site has been overhauled to make it easier for you to navigate, search, and read its ever-growing set of information. Check out our reorganized sections and new navigation. buttons: - label: August 6th, 2018 path: /setup/start/site-updates - heading: August Security Bulletins description: > The August 2018 Android and Pixel/Nexus Security Bulletins have been published along with links to associated fixes and new build numbers to support the August security release. buttons: - label: August 6th, 2018 path: /security/bulletin/2018-08-01 - classname: devsite-landing-row-100 tf-row-centered items: - buttons: - classname: button button-primary label: More Updates path: /setup/site-updates