diff options
authorOmari Stephens <xsdg@android.com>2011-12-13 16:36:10 -0800
committerOmari Stephens <xsdg@android.com>2012-06-13 14:19:00 -0700
commit613d189c5381bebc5c9af7d9ce3f6b685ca6db0a (patch)
parent4baa270947222d55e2d5c04fe1c87e88cb6be6bf (diff)
Create Getting Started page
Change-Id: I9fbed772424604a60ca24f7b2b0fd432e7354edd
3 files changed, 254 insertions, 1 deletions
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index c7bee3ef..39ed155a 100644
--- a/src/tech/test_infra/index.md
+++ b/src/tech/test_infra/index.md
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- Copyright 2011 The Android Open Source Project
+ Copyright 2012 The Android Open Source Project
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
diff --git a/src/tech/test_infra/tradefed/getting_started.md b/src/tech/test_infra/tradefed/getting_started.md
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4735aa5d
--- /dev/null
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+ Copyright 2012 The Android Open Source Project
+ Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ limitations under the License.
+# Getting Started
+## Using the console
+TF is based around an interactive console. You can fire up the console by going to the
+`tools/tradefederation/` directory and running
+ $ ./tradefed.sh
+You should end up at a `tf >` prompt.
+The console is self-documenting. Try entering "help"
+ tf >help
+ Enter 'q' or 'exit' to exit
+ Enter 'kill' to attempt to forcibly exit, by shutting down adb
+ Enter 'help list' for help with 'list' commands
+ [...]
+As the help text suggests, the help menus are organized hierarchically
+ tf >help list
+ l(?:ist)? help:
+ i[nvocations] List all invocation threads
+ d[evices] List all detected or known devices
+ [...]
+The majority of commands have a convenient short form, which the help text displays. The
+`l(?:ist)?` is a regular expression. As an example, here are the four equivalent ways to list
+* `list invocations`
+* `list i`
+* `l invocations`
+* `l i`
+## Running a config/command
+This is documented by the `help run` command in the console.
+As a reminder, a command is a config along with all of its command-line arguments. A command *must*
+begin with the name of the respective config.
+As a quick example, you could run the calculator unit tests like so:
+ $./tradefed.sh
+ tf >run instrument --package com.android.calculator2.tests
+As a shortcut, if you specify any arguments to `tradefed.sh`, it will attempt to execute them as if
+they were typed on the commandline. So the short version of the above would be
+ $./tradefed.sh run instrument --package com.android.calculator2.tests
+In both of these cases, the name of the config is "instrument", and
+"--class com.android.calculator2.tests" is a command-line argument. The command that is being run
+is "instrument --class com.android.calculator2.tests".
+TF can run both configs that are compiled in (such as the "instrument" config above), as well as
+configs that exist as xml files on the local filesystem. You can see a list of compiled-in configs
+with the `list configs` console command. Furthermore, you can investigate any config (compiled-in
+or local) by passing the "--help" or "--help-all" command-line arguments. The "--help" argument
+will only show "important" arguments, and "--help-all" will show all arguments, regardless of
+whether they've been marked as "important" or not. To take the final step, you can tell TF to print
+the contents of any config (compiled-in or local) with the `dump config <configname>` console
+### So, let's say you want to run the calculator instrumentation tests, but don't know where to start.
+You could try something like this sequence of steps. First, look for a config that looks like it
+might do what you want:
+ tf >list configs
+ Use 'run command --help <configuration_name>' to get list of options for a configuration
+ Use 'dump config <configuration_name>' to display the configuration's XML content.
+ Available configurations include:
+ [...]
+ instrument: Runs a single Android instrumentation test on an existing device
+ [...]
+Now that you've found something reasonable-looking, see what options it takes. The `list configs` output suggests trying `run command instrument --help`
+ tf >run command --help instrument
+ 'instrument' configuration: Runs a single Android instrumentation test on an existing device
+ Printing help for only the important options. To see help for all options, use the --help-all flag
+ [...]
+ 'instrumentation' test options:
+ -p, --package The manifest package name of the Android test application to run.
+As the message suggests, if you need more options, use the "--help-all" flag instead of "--help". In this case, we've got all we need. You could figure out the package by checking with `runtest`, or reading testdefs.xml directly. We use `runtest -n` to simply show what would be run without actually running it:
+ $runtest -n calculator
+ adb root
+ ONE_SHOT_MAKEFILE="packages/apps/Calculator/Android.mk" make -j4 -C "/srv/xsdg/master2" files
+ adb sync
+ adb shell am instrument -w com.android.calculator2.tests/android.test.InstrumentationTestRunner
+The argument to `am instrument` that comes before the slash is the manifest package. `android.test.InstrumentationTestRunner` is the default runner, so no need to set it if that's the
+right one. Otherwise, using "--help-all" will tell you about the "--runner" argument, which you can
+use to specify an alternate runner. Ok, so at this point, we've got the following command, which
+you'll recognize from above
+ tf >run instrument --package com.android.calculator2.tests
+## Interacting with a device
+### Generic device behavior in TF
+The running version of a command is called in `invocation`. First and foremost, every invocation
+requires a device before it can run. In addition to physical Android devices, TF can run tests with
+a mock device (by specifying the "-n" argument for the command), or with the Android emulator (by
+specifying the "-e" argument").
+The primary console command to figure out what devices are up to is `list devices`:
+ $./tradefed.sh
+ 06-07 17:03:22 I/: Detected new device 016B756E03018007
+ 06-07 17:03:22 I/: Detected new device 1700614743c14397
+ 06-07 17:03:22 I/: Detected new device 3531C342606300EC
+ tf >l d
+ Serial State Product Variant Build Battery
+ 016B756E03018007 Available tuna toro MASTER 100
+ 1700614743c14397 Available stingray stingray MASTER 100
+ 3531C342606300EC Available herring crespo4g MASTER 92
+As far as the invocations are concerned, there are three device states: available, unavailable, and
+allocated. An `Available` device is ready to be allocated for an invocation. An `Unavailable`
+device is not ready for allocation, for any of a variety of reasons — TF may have deemed to the
+device as unstable, the device may be critically low on storage, or something else may be amiss.
+Finally, an `Allocated` device is a device that is already being used by an invocation.
+When you start TF, all detected physical devices will be checked for responsiveness with a simple
+shell command. If the command completes successfully, the device will be listed as Available. If
+the command fails, the device state will be shown as Unavailable. Thereafter, a device will typically bounce between the Available and Allocated states as invocation requirements dictate.
+Finally, once invocations are already underway, you can see what's going on with the `list
+invocations` command
+ tf >run instrument --package com.android.calculator2.tests
+ 06-07 17:18:31 I/TestInvocation: Starting invocation for 'stub' on build '0' on device 1700614743c14397
+ [...]
+ tf >l d
+ Serial State Product Variant Build Battery
+ 1700614743c14397 Allocated stingray stingray MASTER 100
+ 3531C342606300EC Available herring crespo4g JRN11 93
+ 016B756E03018007 Available tuna toro MASTER 100
+ tf >l i
+ Command Id Exec Time Device State
+ 1 0m:02 1700614743c14397 running stub on build 0
+### Running invocations on specific devices
+TF supports a number of filtering mechanisms for specifying which device or devices to use for a
+particular invocation. Since the filtering mechanisms are run before a command turns into an
+invocation, you can find all of the filtering options in the help for any config:
+tf >run instrument --help-all
+ device_requirements options:
+ -s, --serial run this test on a specific device with given serial number(s).
+ --exclude-serial run this test on any device except those with this serial number(s).
+ --product-type run this test on device with this product type(s). May also filter by variant using product:variant.
+ --property run this test on device with this property value. Expected format <propertyname>=<propertyvalue>.
+ -e, --[no-]emulator force this test to run on emulator. Default: false.
+ -d, --[no-]device force this test to run on a physical device, not an emulator. Default: false.
+ --[no-]new-emulator allocate a placeholder emulator. Should be used when config intends to launch an emulator Default: false.
+ -n, --[no-]null-device
+ do not allocate a device for this test. Default: false.
+ --min-battery only run this test on a device whose battery level is at least the given amount. Scale: 0-100
+ --max-battery only run this test on a device whose battery level is strictly less than the given amount. Scale: 0-100
+The built-in help should be pretty self-explanatory. All of the filtering options excluding "-n",
+"-e", and "-d" may be specified as many times as needed. So, for instance, to run an invocation
+using any Verizon Galaxy Nexus, you could do the following:
+ tf >run instrument --package com.android.calculator2.tests --product-type tuna:toro
+As another example, to run on a GSM device with a SIM, you could do the following:
+ tf >run instrument --package com.android.calculator2.tests --property gsm.sim.state=READY
+The filtering works by exclusion from the pool of Available devices, so the "--serial" option simply
+excludes devices that aren't in the list of required serials, and --exclude-serial excludes devices
+that *are* in its list. As such, an argument like --exclude-serial XXX --serial XXX will simply
+make the respective command un-runnable — it will never match any device, since all devices are
+## Logging
+There are a few different aspects to logging in TF. First and foremost, TF has a built-in logging
+infrastructure that's based on DDMLib's Log class. For the common case, where the log tag is just
+the classname of the current class, you can use our CLog convenience shim. In short, if you might
+have originally done this:
+ class ClassName {
+ private static final LOG_TAG = "ClassName";
+ [...]
+ Log.v(LOG_TAG, "This is a simple verbose log message");
+ Log.w(LOG_TAG, String.format("This warning message brought to you by the number %d", 17));
+You can now accomplish the same thing with the shim like this:
+ class ClassName {
+ [...]
+ CLog.v("This is a simple verbose log message");
+ CLog.w("This warning message brought to you by the number %d", 17);
+Each Invocation has its own ThreadGroup. Any host-side logging that happens inside of that thread
+group is associated with the Invocation, and will be reported as that invocation's "host_log" after
+the Invocation completes.
+Device logging is performed as part of TradeFed's device wrapper. We keep a buffer of up to 20 MB
+that captures log data as the device churns it out. In particular, we are not limited by the size
+of the on-device logcat buffer.
+The next important piece is the ITestInvocationListener. This is one of the components of an
+Invocation that handles results reporting. Each reporter has the option to implement the #testLog
+method, which will be used to pass logfiles to that result reporter. Among the files that are
+passed by TF itself will be the aforementioned host_log, as well as the device logcat for the device
+associated with the Invocation.
+FIXME: discuss test result reporting, retrieving builds, doing things continuously, target prep and
+FIXME: flashing builds, extending tradefed (like CTS).
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+# Trade Federation Docs #
+- [Getting Started](getting_started.html)