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authorShantanu <12621235+hauntsaninja@users.noreply.github.com>2023-06-18 16:57:34 -0700
committerGitHub <noreply@github.com>2023-06-18 16:57:34 -0700
commitf2df4b4d939f7ebc8cbd0e36589fb71ad0dae7b0 (patch)
parenta477b761be76a9d3fbc512e9d57319b06fdd5d78 (diff)
Import the protocols documentation from mypy (#1415)
Co-authored-by: Alex Waygood <Alex.Waygood@Gmail.com> Co-authored-by: Jelle Zijlstra <jelle.zijlstra@gmail.com>
2 files changed, 578 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/docs/source/protocols.rst b/docs/source/protocols.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..39d3bfb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/source/protocols.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,577 @@
+.. _protocol-types:
+Protocols and structural subtyping
+The Python type system supports two ways of deciding whether two objects are
+compatible as types: nominal subtyping and structural subtyping.
+*Nominal* subtyping is strictly based on the class hierarchy. If class ``Dog``
+inherits class ``Animal``, it's a subtype of ``Animal``. Instances of ``Dog``
+can be used when ``Animal`` instances are expected. This form of subtyping
+is what Python's type system predominantly uses: it's easy to
+understand and produces clear and concise error messages, and matches how the
+native :py:func:`isinstance <isinstance>` check works -- based on class
+*Structural* subtyping is based on the operations that can be performed with an
+object. Class ``Dog`` is a structural subtype of class ``Animal`` if the former
+has all attributes and methods of the latter, and with compatible types.
+Structural subtyping can be seen as a static equivalent of duck typing, which is
+well known to Python programmers. See :pep:`544` for the detailed specification
+of protocols and structural subtyping in Python.
+.. _predefined_protocols:
+Predefined protocols
+The :py:mod:`typing` module defines various protocol classes that correspond to
+places where duck typing is commonly used in Python, such as
+:py:class:`Iterable[T] <typing.Iterable>`.
+If a class defines a suitable :py:meth:`__iter__ <object.__iter__>` method, type
+checkers understand that it implements the :py:term:`iterable` protocol and is compatible
+with :py:class:`Iterable[T] <typing.Iterable>`. For example, ``IntList`` below
+is iterable, over ``int`` values:
+.. code-block:: python
+ from typing import Iterator, Iterable, Optional
+ class IntList:
+ def __init__(self, value: int, next_node: Optional['IntList']) -> None:
+ self.value = value
+ self.next_node = next_node
+ def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[int]:
+ current = self
+ while current:
+ yield current.value
+ current = current.next_node
+ def print_numbered(items: Iterable[int]) -> None:
+ for n, x in enumerate(items):
+ print(n + 1, x)
+ x = IntList(3, IntList(5, None))
+ print_numbered(x) # OK
+ print_numbered([4, 5]) # Also OK
+:ref:`predefined_protocols_reference` lists all protocols defined in
+:py:mod:`typing` and the signatures of the corresponding methods you need to define
+to implement each protocol.
+Simple user-defined protocols
+You can define your own protocol class by inheriting from the special
+``Protocol`` class:
+.. code-block:: python
+ from typing import Iterable
+ from typing_extensions import Protocol
+ class SupportsClose(Protocol):
+ # Empty method body (explicit '...')
+ def close(self) -> None: ...
+ class Resource: # No SupportsClose base class!
+ def close(self) -> None:
+ self.resource.release()
+ # ... other methods ...
+ def close_all(items: Iterable[SupportsClose]) -> None:
+ for item in items:
+ item.close()
+ close_all([Resource(), open('some/file')]) # OK
+``Resource`` is a subtype of the ``SupportsClose`` protocol since it defines
+a compatible ``close`` method. Regular file objects returned by :py:func:`open` are
+similarly compatible with the protocol, as they support ``close()``.
+Defining subprotocols and subclassing protocols
+You can also define subprotocols. Existing protocols can be extended
+and merged using multiple inheritance. Example:
+.. code-block:: python
+ # ... continuing from the previous example
+ class SupportsRead(Protocol):
+ def read(self, amount: int) -> bytes: ...
+ class TaggedReadableResource(SupportsClose, SupportsRead, Protocol):
+ label: str
+ class AdvancedResource(Resource):
+ def __init__(self, label: str) -> None:
+ self.label = label
+ def read(self, amount: int) -> bytes:
+ # some implementation
+ ...
+ resource: TaggedReadableResource
+ resource = AdvancedResource('handle with care') # OK
+Note that inheriting from an existing protocol does not automatically
+turn the subclass into a protocol -- it just creates a regular
+(non-protocol) class or ABC that implements the given protocol (or
+protocols). The ``Protocol`` base class must always be explicitly
+present if you are defining a protocol:
+.. code-block:: python
+ class NotAProtocol(SupportsClose): # This is NOT a protocol
+ new_attr: int
+ class Concrete:
+ new_attr: int = 0
+ def close(self) -> None:
+ ...
+ # Error: nominal subtyping used by default
+ x: NotAProtocol = Concrete() # Error!
+You can also include default implementations of methods in
+protocols. If you explicitly subclass these protocols, you inherit
+these default implementations.
+Explicitly including a protocol as a
+base class is also a way of documenting that your class implements a
+particular protocol, and it forces the type checker to verify that your class
+implementation is actually compatible with the protocol. In particular,
+omitting a value for an attribute or a method body will make it implicitly
+.. code-block:: python
+ class SomeProto(Protocol):
+ attr: int # Note, no right hand side
+ # If the body is literally just "...", explicit subclasses will
+ # be treated as abstract classes if they don't implement the method.
+ def method(self) -> str: ...
+ class ExplicitSubclass(SomeProto):
+ pass
+ ExplicitSubclass() # error: Cannot instantiate abstract class 'ExplicitSubclass'
+ # with abstract attributes 'attr' and 'method'
+Similarly, explicitly assigning to a protocol instance can be a way to ask the
+type checker to verify that your class implements a protocol:
+.. code-block:: python
+ _proto: SomeProto = cast(ExplicitSubclass, None)
+Invariance of protocol attributes
+A common issue with protocols is that protocol attributes are invariant.
+For example:
+.. code-block:: python
+ class Box(Protocol):
+ content: object
+ class IntBox:
+ content: int
+ def takes_box(box: Box) -> None: ...
+ takes_box(IntBox()) # error: Argument 1 to "takes_box" has incompatible type "IntBox"; expected "Box"
+ # note: Following member(s) of "IntBox" have conflicts:
+ # note: content: expected "object", got "int"
+This is because ``Box`` defines ``content`` as a mutable attribute.
+Here's why this is problematic:
+.. code-block:: python
+ def takes_box_evil(box: Box) -> None:
+ box.content = "asdf" # This is bad, since box.content is supposed to be an object
+ my_int_box = IntBox()
+ takes_box_evil(my_int_box)
+ my_int_box.content + 1 # Oops, TypeError!
+This can be fixed by declaring ``content`` to be read-only in the ``Box``
+protocol using ``@property``:
+.. code-block:: python
+ class Box(Protocol):
+ @property
+ def content(self) -> object: ...
+ class IntBox:
+ content: int
+ def takes_box(box: Box) -> None: ...
+ takes_box(IntBox(42)) # OK
+Recursive protocols
+Protocols can be recursive (self-referential) and mutually
+recursive. This is useful for declaring abstract recursive collections
+such as trees and linked lists:
+.. code-block:: python
+ from typing import TypeVar, Optional
+ from typing_extensions import Protocol
+ class TreeLike(Protocol):
+ value: int
+ @property
+ def left(self) -> Optional['TreeLike']: ...
+ @property
+ def right(self) -> Optional['TreeLike']: ...
+ class SimpleTree:
+ def __init__(self, value: int) -> None:
+ self.value = value
+ self.left: Optional['SimpleTree'] = None
+ self.right: Optional['SimpleTree'] = None
+ root: TreeLike = SimpleTree(0) # OK
+Using isinstance() with protocols
+You can use a protocol class with :py:func:`isinstance` if you decorate it
+with the ``@runtime_checkable`` class decorator. The decorator adds
+rudimentary support for runtime structural checks:
+.. code-block:: python
+ from typing_extensions import Protocol, runtime_checkable
+ @runtime_checkable
+ class Portable(Protocol):
+ handles: int
+ class Mug:
+ def __init__(self) -> None:
+ self.handles = 1
+ def use(handles: int) -> None: ...
+ mug = Mug()
+ if isinstance(mug, Portable): # Works at runtime!
+ use(mug.handles)
+:py:func:`isinstance` also works with the :ref:`predefined protocols <predefined_protocols>`
+in :py:mod:`typing` such as :py:class:`~typing.Iterable`.
+.. warning::
+ :py:func:`isinstance` with protocols is not completely safe at runtime.
+ For example, signatures of methods are not checked. The runtime
+ implementation only checks that all protocol members exist,
+ not that they have the correct type. :py:func:`issubclass` with protocols
+ will only check for the existence of methods.
+.. note::
+ :py:func:`isinstance` with protocols can also be surprisingly slow.
+ In many cases, you're better served by using :py:func:`hasattr` to
+ check for the presence of attributes.
+.. _callback_protocols:
+Callback protocols
+Protocols can be used to define flexible callback types that are hard
+(or even impossible) to express using the :py:data:`Callable[...] <typing.Callable>` syntax, such as variadic,
+overloaded, and complex generic callbacks. They are defined with a special :py:meth:`__call__ <object.__call__>`
+.. code-block:: python
+ from typing import Optional, Iterable
+ from typing_extensions import Protocol
+ class Combiner(Protocol):
+ def __call__(self, *vals: bytes, maxlen: Optional[int] = None) -> list[bytes]: ...
+ def batch_proc(data: Iterable[bytes], cb_results: Combiner) -> bytes:
+ for item in data:
+ ...
+ def good_cb(*vals: bytes, maxlen: Optional[int] = None) -> list[bytes]:
+ ...
+ def bad_cb(*vals: bytes, maxitems: Optional[int]) -> list[bytes]:
+ ...
+ batch_proc([], good_cb) # OK
+ batch_proc([], bad_cb) # Error! Argument 2 has incompatible type because of
+ # different name and kind in the callback
+Callback protocols and :py:data:`~typing.Callable` types can be used mostly interchangeably.
+Argument names in :py:meth:`__call__ <object.__call__>` methods must be identical, unless
+a double underscore prefix is used. For example:
+.. code-block:: python
+ from typing import Callable, TypeVar
+ from typing_extensions import Protocol
+ T = TypeVar('T')
+ class Copy(Protocol):
+ def __call__(self, __origin: T) -> T: ...
+ copy_a: Callable[[T], T]
+ copy_b: Copy
+ copy_a = copy_b # OK
+ copy_b = copy_a # Also OK
+.. _predefined_protocols_reference:
+Predefined protocol reference
+Iteration protocols
+The iteration protocols allow you to type things that can be iterated
+over in ``for`` loops or things that can be passed to :py:func:`next`.
+The :ref:`example above <predefined_protocols>` has a simple implementation of an
+:py:meth:`__iter__ <object.__iter__>` method.
+.. code-block:: python
+ def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[T]
+See also :py:class:`~typing.Iterable`.
+.. code-block:: python
+ def __next__(self) -> T
+ def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[T]
+See also :py:class:`~typing.Iterator`.
+Collection protocols
+Many of these are implemented by built-in container types such as
+:py:class:`list` and :py:class:`dict`, and these are also useful for user-defined
+collection objects.
+This is a type for objects that support :py:func:`len(x) <len>`.
+.. code-block:: python
+ def __len__(self) -> int
+See also :py:class:`~typing.Sized`.
+This is a type for objects that support the ``in`` operator.
+.. code-block:: python
+ def __contains__(self, x: object) -> bool
+See also :py:class:`~typing.Container`.
+.. code-block:: python
+ def __len__(self) -> int
+ def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[T]
+ def __contains__(self, x: object) -> bool
+See also :py:class:`~typing.Collection`.
+One-off protocols
+These protocols are typically only useful with a single standard
+library function or class.
+This is a type for objects that support :py:func:`reversed(x) <reversed>`.
+.. code-block:: python
+ def __reversed__(self) -> Iterator[T]
+See also :py:class:`~typing.Reversible`.
+This is a type for objects that support :py:func:`abs(x) <abs>`. ``T`` is the type of
+value returned by :py:func:`abs(x) <abs>`.
+.. code-block:: python
+ def __abs__(self) -> T
+See also :py:class:`~typing.SupportsAbs`.
+This is a type for objects that support :py:class:`bytes(x) <bytes>`.
+.. code-block:: python
+ def __bytes__(self) -> bytes
+See also :py:class:`~typing.SupportsBytes`.
+.. _supports-int-etc:
+This is a type for objects that support :py:class:`complex(x) <complex>`. Note that no arithmetic operations
+are supported.
+.. code-block:: python
+ def __complex__(self) -> complex
+See also :py:class:`~typing.SupportsComplex`.
+This is a type for objects that support :py:class:`float(x) <float>`. Note that no arithmetic operations
+are supported.
+.. code-block:: python
+ def __float__(self) -> float
+See also :py:class:`~typing.SupportsFloat`.
+This is a type for objects that support :py:class:`int(x) <int>`. Note that no arithmetic operations
+are supported.
+.. code-block:: python
+ def __int__(self) -> int
+See also :py:class:`~typing.SupportsInt`.
+This is a type for objects that support :py:func:`round(x) <round>`.
+.. code-block:: python
+ def __round__(self) -> T
+See also :py:class:`~typing.SupportsRound`.
+Async protocols
+These protocols can be useful in async code. See :ref:`async-and-await`
+for more information.
+.. code-block:: python
+ def __await__(self) -> Generator[Any, None, T]
+See also :py:class:`~typing.Awaitable`.
+.. code-block:: python
+ def __aiter__(self) -> AsyncIterator[T]
+See also :py:class:`~typing.AsyncIterable`.
+.. code-block:: python
+ def __anext__(self) -> Awaitable[T]
+ def __aiter__(self) -> AsyncIterator[T]
+See also :py:class:`~typing.AsyncIterator`.
+Context manager protocols
+There are two protocols for context managers -- one for regular context
+managers and one for async ones. These allow defining objects that can
+be used in ``with`` and ``async with`` statements.
+.. code-block:: python
+ def __enter__(self) -> T
+ def __exit__(self,
+ exc_type: Optional[Type[BaseException]],
+ exc_value: Optional[BaseException],
+ traceback: Optional[TracebackType]) -> Optional[bool]
+See also :py:class:`~typing.ContextManager`.
+.. code-block:: python
+ def __aenter__(self) -> Awaitable[T]
+ def __aexit__(self,
+ exc_type: Optional[Type[BaseException]],
+ exc_value: Optional[BaseException],
+ traceback: Optional[TracebackType]) -> Awaitable[Optional[bool]]
+See also :py:class:`~typing.AsyncContextManager`.
+This document is based on the `mypy documentation <https://mypy.readthedocs.io/en/stable/>`_
diff --git a/docs/source/reference.rst b/docs/source/reference.rst
index 814dfe1..27ce0d0 100644
--- a/docs/source/reference.rst
+++ b/docs/source/reference.rst
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ Type System Reference
:maxdepth: 2
:caption: Contents:
+ protocols