path: root/formats/hocon/src/main/kotlin/kotlinx/serialization/hocon/Hocon.kt
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Diffstat (limited to 'formats/hocon/src/main/kotlin/kotlinx/serialization/hocon/Hocon.kt')
1 files changed, 315 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/formats/hocon/src/main/kotlin/kotlinx/serialization/hocon/Hocon.kt b/formats/hocon/src/main/kotlin/kotlinx/serialization/hocon/Hocon.kt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e8728352
--- /dev/null
+++ b/formats/hocon/src/main/kotlin/kotlinx/serialization/hocon/Hocon.kt
@@ -0,0 +1,315 @@
+ * Copyright 2017-2021 JetBrains s.r.o. Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license.
+ */
+package kotlinx.serialization.hocon
+import com.typesafe.config.*
+import kotlinx.serialization.*
+import kotlinx.serialization.descriptors.*
+import kotlinx.serialization.encoding.*
+import kotlinx.serialization.encoding.CompositeDecoder.Companion.DECODE_DONE
+import kotlinx.serialization.internal.*
+import kotlinx.serialization.modules.*
+ * Allows [deserialization][decodeFromConfig]
+ * of [Config] object from popular Lightbend/config library into Kotlin objects.
+ *
+ * [Config] object represents "Human-Optimized Config Object Notation" —
+ * [HOCON][].
+ *
+ * @param [useConfigNamingConvention] switches naming resolution to config naming convention (hyphen separated).
+ * @param serializersModule A [SerializersModule] which should contain registered serializers
+ * for [Contextual] and [Polymorphic] serialization, if you have any.
+ */
+public sealed class Hocon(
+ internal val encodeDefaults: Boolean,
+ internal val useConfigNamingConvention: Boolean,
+ internal val useArrayPolymorphism: Boolean,
+ internal val classDiscriminator: String,
+ override val serializersModule: SerializersModule,
+) : SerialFormat {
+ /**
+ * Decodes the given [config] into a value of type [T] using the given serializer.
+ */
+ @ExperimentalSerializationApi
+ public fun <T> decodeFromConfig(deserializer: DeserializationStrategy<T>, config: Config): T =
+ ConfigReader(config).decodeSerializableValue(deserializer)
+ /**
+ * Encodes the given [value] into a [Config] using the given [serializer].
+ * @throws SerializationException If list or primitive type passed as a [value].
+ */
+ @ExperimentalSerializationApi
+ public fun <T> encodeToConfig(serializer: SerializationStrategy<T>, value: T): Config {
+ lateinit var configValue: ConfigValue
+ val encoder = HoconConfigEncoder(this) { configValue = it }
+ encoder.encodeSerializableValue(serializer, value)
+ if (configValue !is ConfigObject) {
+ throw SerializationException(
+ "Value of type '${configValue.valueType()}' can't be used at the root of HOCON Config. " +
+ "It should be either object or map."
+ )
+ }
+ return (configValue as ConfigObject).toConfig()
+ }
+ /**
+ * The default instance of Hocon parser.
+ */
+ @ExperimentalSerializationApi
+ public companion object Default : Hocon(false, false, false, "type", EmptySerializersModule)
+ private abstract inner class ConfigConverter<T> : TaggedDecoder<T>() {
+ override val serializersModule: SerializersModule
+ get() = this@Hocon.serializersModule
+ abstract fun <E> getValueFromTaggedConfig(tag: T, valueResolver: (Config, String) -> E): E
+ private inline fun <reified E : Any> validateAndCast(tag: T): E {
+ return try {
+ when (E::class) {
+ Number::class -> getValueFromTaggedConfig(tag) { config, path -> config.getNumber(path) } as E
+ Boolean::class -> getValueFromTaggedConfig(tag) { config, path -> config.getBoolean(path) } as E
+ String::class -> getValueFromTaggedConfig(tag) { config, path -> config.getString(path) } as E
+ else -> getValueFromTaggedConfig(tag) { config, path -> config.getAnyRef(path) } as E
+ }
+ } catch (e: ConfigException) {
+ val configOrigin = e.origin()
+ throw ConfigValueTypeCastException<E>(configOrigin)
+ }
+ }
+ private fun getTaggedNumber(tag: T) = validateAndCast<Number>(tag)
+ override fun decodeTaggedString(tag: T) = validateAndCast<String>(tag)
+ override fun decodeTaggedBoolean(tag: T) = validateAndCast<Boolean>(tag)
+ override fun decodeTaggedByte(tag: T): Byte = getTaggedNumber(tag).toByte()
+ override fun decodeTaggedShort(tag: T): Short = getTaggedNumber(tag).toShort()
+ override fun decodeTaggedInt(tag: T): Int = getTaggedNumber(tag).toInt()
+ override fun decodeTaggedLong(tag: T): Long = getTaggedNumber(tag).toLong()
+ override fun decodeTaggedFloat(tag: T): Float = getTaggedNumber(tag).toFloat()
+ override fun decodeTaggedDouble(tag: T): Double = getTaggedNumber(tag).toDouble()
+ override fun decodeTaggedChar(tag: T): Char {
+ val s = validateAndCast<String>(tag)
+ if (s.length != 1) throw SerializationException("String \"$s\" is not convertible to Char")
+ return s[0]
+ }
+ override fun decodeTaggedValue(tag: T): Any = getValueFromTaggedConfig(tag) { c, s -> c.getAnyRef(s) }
+ override fun decodeTaggedNotNullMark(tag: T) = getValueFromTaggedConfig(tag) { c, s -> !c.getIsNull(s) }
+ override fun decodeTaggedEnum(tag: T, enumDescriptor: SerialDescriptor): Int {
+ val s = validateAndCast<String>(tag)
+ return enumDescriptor.getElementIndexOrThrow(s)
+ }
+ }
+ private inner class ConfigReader(val conf: Config) : ConfigConverter<String>() {
+ private var ind = -1
+ override fun decodeElementIndex(descriptor: SerialDescriptor): Int {
+ while (++ind < descriptor.elementsCount) {
+ val name = descriptor.getTag(ind)
+ if (conf.hasPathOrNull(name)) {
+ return ind
+ }
+ }
+ return DECODE_DONE
+ }
+ private fun composeName(parentName: String, childName: String) =
+ if (parentName.isEmpty()) childName else "$parentName.$childName"
+ override fun SerialDescriptor.getTag(index: Int): String =
+ composeName(currentTagOrNull.orEmpty(), getConventionElementName(index, useConfigNamingConvention))
+ override fun decodeNotNullMark(): Boolean {
+ // Tag might be null for top-level deserialization
+ val currentTag = currentTagOrNull ?: return !conf.isEmpty
+ return decodeTaggedNotNullMark(currentTag)
+ }
+ override fun <T> decodeSerializableValue(deserializer: DeserializationStrategy<T>): T {
+ if (deserializer !is AbstractPolymorphicSerializer<*> || useArrayPolymorphism) {
+ return deserializer.deserialize(this)
+ }
+ val config = if (currentTagOrNull != null) conf.getConfig(currentTag) else conf
+ val reader = ConfigReader(config)
+ val type = reader.decodeTaggedString(classDiscriminator)
+ val actualSerializer = deserializer.findPolymorphicSerializerOrNull(reader, type)
+ ?: throw SerializerNotFoundException(type)
+ @Suppress("UNCHECKED_CAST")
+ return (actualSerializer as DeserializationStrategy<T>).deserialize(reader)
+ }
+ override fun beginStructure(descriptor: SerialDescriptor): CompositeDecoder {
+ val kind = descriptor.hoconKind(useArrayPolymorphism)
+ return when {
+ kind.listLike -> ListConfigReader(conf.getList(currentTag))
+ kind.objLike -> if (ind > -1) ConfigReader(conf.getConfig(currentTag)) else this
+ kind == StructureKind.MAP ->
+ // if current tag is null - map in the root of config
+ MapConfigReader(if (currentTagOrNull != null) conf.getObject(currentTag) else conf.root())
+ else -> this
+ }
+ }
+ override fun <E> getValueFromTaggedConfig(tag: String, valueResolver: (Config, String) -> E): E {
+ return valueResolver(conf, tag)
+ }
+ }
+ private inner class ListConfigReader(private val list: ConfigList) : ConfigConverter<Int>() {
+ private var ind = -1
+ override fun beginStructure(descriptor: SerialDescriptor): CompositeDecoder =
+ when {
+ descriptor.kind.listLike -> ListConfigReader(list[currentTag] as ConfigList)
+ descriptor.kind.objLike -> ConfigReader((list[currentTag] as ConfigObject).toConfig())
+ descriptor.kind == StructureKind.MAP -> MapConfigReader(list[currentTag] as ConfigObject)
+ else -> this
+ }
+ override fun SerialDescriptor.getTag(index: Int) = index
+ override fun decodeElementIndex(descriptor: SerialDescriptor): Int {
+ ind++
+ return if (ind > list.size - 1) DECODE_DONE else ind
+ }
+ override fun <E> getValueFromTaggedConfig(tag: Int, valueResolver: (Config, String) -> E): E {
+ val tagString = tag.toString()
+ val configValue = valueResolver(list[tag].atKey(tagString), tagString)
+ return configValue
+ }
+ }
+ private inner class MapConfigReader(map: ConfigObject) : ConfigConverter<Int>() {
+ private var ind = -1
+ private val keys: List<String>
+ private val values: List<ConfigValue>
+ init {
+ val entries = map.entries.toList() // to fix traversal order
+ keys =<String, ConfigValue>::key)
+ values =<String, ConfigValue>::value)
+ }
+ private val indexSize = values.size * 2
+ override fun beginStructure(descriptor: SerialDescriptor): CompositeDecoder =
+ when {
+ descriptor.kind.listLike -> ListConfigReader(values[currentTag / 2] as ConfigList)
+ descriptor.kind.objLike -> ConfigReader((values[currentTag / 2] as ConfigObject).toConfig())
+ descriptor.kind == StructureKind.MAP -> MapConfigReader(values[currentTag / 2] as ConfigObject)
+ else -> this
+ }
+ override fun SerialDescriptor.getTag(index: Int) = index
+ override fun decodeElementIndex(descriptor: SerialDescriptor): Int {
+ ind++
+ return if (ind >= indexSize) DECODE_DONE else ind
+ }
+ override fun <E> getValueFromTaggedConfig(tag: Int, valueResolver: (Config, String) -> E): E {
+ val idx = tag / 2
+ val tagString = tag.toString()
+ val configValue = if (tag % 2 == 0) { // entry as string
+ ConfigValueFactory.fromAnyRef(keys[idx]).atKey(tagString)
+ } else {
+ val configValue = values[idx]
+ configValue.atKey(tagString)
+ }
+ return valueResolver(configValue, tagString)
+ }
+ }
+ private fun SerialDescriptor.getElementIndexOrThrow(name: String): Int {
+ val index = getElementIndex(name)
+ if (index == CompositeDecoder.UNKNOWN_NAME)
+ throw SerializationException("$serialName does not contain element with name '$name'")
+ return index
+ }
+ * Decodes the given [config] into a value of type [T] using a deserializer retrieved
+ * from the reified type parameter.
+ */
+public inline fun <reified T> Hocon.decodeFromConfig(config: Config): T =
+ decodeFromConfig(serializersModule.serializer(), config)
+ * Encodes the given [value] of type [T] into a [Config] using a serializer retrieved
+ * from the reified type parameter.
+ */
+public inline fun <reified T> Hocon.encodeToConfig(value: T): Config =
+ encodeToConfig(serializersModule.serializer(), value)
+ * Creates an instance of [Hocon] configured from the optionally given [Hocon instance][from]
+ * and adjusted with [builderAction].
+ */
+public fun Hocon(from: Hocon = Hocon, builderAction: HoconBuilder.() -> Unit): Hocon {
+ return HoconImpl(HoconBuilder(from).apply(builderAction))
+ * Builder of the [Hocon] instance provided by `Hocon` factory function.
+ */
+public class HoconBuilder internal constructor(hocon: Hocon) {
+ /**
+ * Module with contextual and polymorphic serializers to be used in the resulting [Hocon] instance.
+ */
+ public var serializersModule: SerializersModule = hocon.serializersModule
+ /**
+ * Specifies whether default values of Kotlin properties should be encoded.
+ * `false` by default.
+ */
+ public var encodeDefaults: Boolean = hocon.encodeDefaults
+ /**
+ * Switches naming resolution to config naming convention: hyphen separated.
+ */
+ public var useConfigNamingConvention: Boolean = hocon.useConfigNamingConvention
+ /**
+ * Switches polymorphic serialization to the default array format.
+ * This is an option for legacy polymorphism format and should not be generally used.
+ * `false` by default.
+ */
+ public var useArrayPolymorphism: Boolean = hocon.useArrayPolymorphism
+ /**
+ * Name of the class descriptor property for polymorphic serialization.
+ * "type" by default.
+ */
+ public var classDiscriminator: String = hocon.classDiscriminator
+private class HoconImpl(hoconBuilder: HoconBuilder) : Hocon(
+ encodeDefaults = hoconBuilder.encodeDefaults,
+ useConfigNamingConvention = hoconBuilder.useConfigNamingConvention,
+ useArrayPolymorphism = hoconBuilder.useArrayPolymorphism,
+ classDiscriminator = hoconBuilder.classDiscriminator,
+ serializersModule = hoconBuilder.serializersModule