diff options
authorSpandan Das <spandandas@google.com>2024-02-29 08:22:47 +0000
committerSpandan Das <spandandas@google.com>2024-02-29 08:57:08 +0000
commitaf66212522c48c18185ba9c7d2d3f57160b43e99 (patch)
parent2d8884a37757edc6b984e1e073ab5a9e4a85f778 (diff)
Revert "Fix non-determinism in prebuilt selection"
This reverts commit 2d8884a37757edc6b984e1e073ab5a9e4a85f778. Reason for revert: Build breakage https://groups.google.com/a/google.com/g/android-build-police-core/c/00mM-B9unVg/m/0FxBxpMbAwAJ. The validation does not check for namespace isolation which breaks libtonemap Change-Id: Ieb4d3bc4f3ade856877ebb62a567620f5a1ed08c
3 files changed, 3 insertions, 120 deletions
diff --git a/android/prebuilt.go b/android/prebuilt.go
index 7a9e89cdf..13cda9dad 100644
--- a/android/prebuilt.go
+++ b/android/prebuilt.go
@@ -534,31 +534,6 @@ func hideUnflaggedModules(ctx BottomUpMutatorContext, psi PrebuiltSelectionInfoM
for _, moduleInFamily := range allModulesInFamily {
if moduleInFamily.Name() != selectedModuleInFamily.Name() {
- // If this is a prebuilt module, unset properties.UsePrebuilt
- // properties.UsePrebuilt might evaluate to true via soong config var fallback mechanism
- // Set it to false explicitly so that the following mutator does not replace rdeps to this unselected prebuilt
- if p := GetEmbeddedPrebuilt(moduleInFamily); p != nil {
- p.properties.UsePrebuilt = false
- }
- }
- }
- }
- // Do a validation pass to make sure that multiple prebuilts of a specific module are not selected.
- // This might happen if the prebuilts share the same soong config var namespace.
- // This should be an error, unless one of the prebuilts has been explicitly declared in apex_contributions
- var selectedPrebuilt Module
- for _, moduleInFamily := range allModulesInFamily {
- // Skip for the top-level java_sdk_library_(_import). This has some special cases that need to be addressed first.
- // This does not run into non-determinism because PrebuiltPostDepsMutator also has the special case
- if sdkLibrary, ok := moduleInFamily.(interface{ SdkLibraryName() *string }); ok && sdkLibrary.SdkLibraryName() != nil {
- continue
- }
- if p := GetEmbeddedPrebuilt(moduleInFamily); p != nil && p.properties.UsePrebuilt {
- if selectedPrebuilt == nil {
- selectedPrebuilt = moduleInFamily
- } else {
- ctx.ModuleErrorf("Multiple prebuilt modules %v and %v have been marked as preferred for this source module. "+
- "Please add the appropriate prebuilt module to apex_contributions for this release config.", selectedPrebuilt.Name(), moduleInFamily.Name())
@@ -587,7 +562,7 @@ func PrebuiltPostDepsMutator(ctx BottomUpMutatorContext) {
// If we do not special-case this here, rdeps referring to a java_sdk_library in next builds via libs
// will get prebuilt stubs
// TODO (b/308187268): Remove this after the apexes have been added to apex_contributions
- if psi.IsSelected(name) {
+ if psi.IsSelected(*sdkLibrary.SdkLibraryName()) {
return false
diff --git a/apex/apex_test.go b/apex/apex_test.go
index 65f0a235b..85d1d712a 100644
--- a/apex/apex_test.go
+++ b/apex/apex_test.go
@@ -6199,7 +6199,7 @@ func TestBootDexJarsFromSourcesAndPrebuilts(t *testing.T) {
- t.Run("Co-existing unflagged apexes should create a duplicate module error", func(t *testing.T) {
+ t.Run("Co-existing unflagged apexes should create a duplicate deapexer error in hiddenapi processing", func(t *testing.T) {
bp := `
// Source
apex {
@@ -6273,7 +6273,7 @@ func TestBootDexJarsFromSourcesAndPrebuilts(t *testing.T) {
- testDexpreoptWithApexes(t, bp, "Multiple prebuilt modules prebuilt_myapex.v1 and prebuilt_myapex.v2 have been marked as preferred for this source module", preparer, fragment)
+ testDexpreoptWithApexes(t, bp, "Multiple installable prebuilt APEXes provide ambiguous deapexers: prebuilt_myapex.v1 and prebuilt_myapex.v2", preparer, fragment)
diff --git a/cc/prebuilt_test.go b/cc/prebuilt_test.go
index 7dfe6422f..f6b5ed56c 100644
--- a/cc/prebuilt_test.go
+++ b/cc/prebuilt_test.go
@@ -610,95 +610,3 @@ func TestMultiplePrebuilts(t *testing.T) {
android.AssertStringEquals(t, "unexpected LOCAL_MODULE", "libbar", entries.EntryMap["LOCAL_MODULE"][0])
-// Setting prefer on multiple prebuilts is an error, unless one of them is also listed in apex_contributions
-func TestMultiplePrebuiltsPreferredUsingLegacyFlags(t *testing.T) {
- bp := `
- // an rdep
- cc_library {
- name: "libfoo",
- shared_libs: ["libbar"],
- }
- // multiple variations of dep
- // source
- cc_library {
- name: "libbar",
- }
- // prebuilt "v1"
- cc_prebuilt_library_shared {
- name: "libbar",
- srcs: ["libbar.so"],
- prefer: true,
- }
- // prebuilt "v2"
- cc_prebuilt_library_shared {
- name: "libbar.v2",
- stem: "libbar",
- source_module_name: "libbar",
- srcs: ["libbar.so"],
- prefer: true,
- }
- // selectors
- apex_contributions {
- name: "myapex_contributions",
- contents: [%v],
- }
- all_apex_contributions {name: "all_apex_contributions"}
- `
- hasDep := func(ctx *android.TestContext, m android.Module, wantDep android.Module) bool {
- t.Helper()
- var found bool
- ctx.VisitDirectDeps(m, func(dep blueprint.Module) {
- if dep == wantDep {
- found = true
- }
- })
- return found
- }
- testCases := []struct {
- desc string
- selectedDependencyName string
- expectedDependencyName string
- expectedErr string
- }{
- {
- desc: "Multiple prebuilts have prefer: true",
- expectedErr: "Multiple prebuilt modules prebuilt_libbar and prebuilt_libbar.v2 have been marked as preferred for this source module",
- },
- {
- desc: "Multiple prebuilts have prefer: true. The prebuilt listed in apex_contributions wins.",
- selectedDependencyName: `"prebuilt_libbar"`,
- expectedDependencyName: "prebuilt_libbar",
- },
- }
- for _, tc := range testCases {
- preparer := android.GroupFixturePreparers(
- android.FixtureRegisterWithContext(func(ctx android.RegistrationContext) {
- android.RegisterApexContributionsBuildComponents(ctx)
- }),
- android.FixtureModifyProductVariables(func(variables android.FixtureProductVariables) {
- variables.BuildFlags = map[string]string{
- }
- }),
- )
- if tc.expectedErr != "" {
- preparer = preparer.ExtendWithErrorHandler(android.FixtureExpectsAtLeastOneErrorMatchingPattern(tc.expectedErr))
- }
- ctx := testPrebuilt(t, fmt.Sprintf(bp, tc.selectedDependencyName), map[string][]byte{
- "libbar.so": nil,
- "crtx.o": nil,
- }, preparer)
- if tc.expectedErr != "" {
- return // the fixture will assert that the excepted err has been raised
- }
- libfoo := ctx.ModuleForTests("libfoo", "android_arm64_armv8-a_shared").Module()
- expectedDependency := ctx.ModuleForTests(tc.expectedDependencyName, "android_arm64_armv8-a_shared").Module()
- android.AssertBoolEquals(t, fmt.Sprintf("expected dependency from %s to %s\n", libfoo.Name(), tc.expectedDependencyName), true, hasDep(ctx, libfoo, expectedDependency))
- }